Monday, August 17, 2015

39 Weeks FAQs

I am officially 39 weeks today which means only 1 week until the guess date! I thought it might be good to give some updates since it has been awhile. Its strange to think this may be the last time I post before our baby boy is here! I'm going to make this into kinda like a frequently asked questions for us since we (especially me) gets asked these questions a billion times a day, so here it goes!

When's the baby coming?! (our most frequently asked)
Whenever he feels like coming! Haha I know people mostly mean when is my due date but this question makes me laugh because he could really come any time from today to three weeks from now. But to answer the question people usually mean by this, the due date the doctor's office gave me is August 24th, but we'll see when he feels ready to come though :)

How are you feeling physically?
Very tired and sore mostly. The third trimester has been kinda tough for me as I've gotten bigger. My pelvis and hips have been in A LOT of pain. Laying in bed and switching positions is especially hard. I got a belly support band that has helped and I went to a physical therapist once to get some exercises. I have good days and bad days but lately things have been a little better. We had a little bit of scare because I had an allergic reaction to an essential oil I used that they thought might have been another problem. Luckily it wasn't more than an allergic reaction so a week's worth of Benedryl fixed that :)

Are you nervous?
I feel a little nervous about the life change but mostly I feel ready to be done with pregnancy and move on to the next step. A couple of weeks ago, it hit me how close I was getting and I dealt with some pretty severe anxiety but with the help of a very loving husband, Heavenly Father, and sweet midwives, I am feeling a lot better :)

Do you feel prepared?
Yes I do! I thought that I would never feel prepared to have this baby but honestly I do. We have everything we need I think. We even have our hospital bag packed! While we are waiting for him to arrive, we've also been able to work on some helpful but not essential things like crafts for the nursery and prepping freezer meals. As for the labor and delivery part, we have been practicing our hypnobirthing pretty much every day which has been amazing! Adam has been a champ at reading relaxation scripts and recognizing when I need a little extra help through surges (hypnobirthing term for contractions). All of the practice has made me feel a lot more prepared for the labor and being able to deal with the pain naturally.

Are you working still?/Are you planning on continuing to work after the baby comes?
I am working still but my last day is this Thursday. I will then take off some time until the middle to end of October. After that, we've been able to work out Adam's schedule in a way that I will continue working part time and we will tag team with the baby. Luckily, his job allows him to work from home if needed. This will be the case until the end of the year. With the start of winter semester, Adam's schedule will be too crazy for me to work with so I will stay home with the baby :)

How's Adam handling everything?
Adam has been handling everything amazingly!! He has had SOOOO much to do with his master's project, co-teaching a course, helping his boss with research, training professors for BYU Online, and now he is beginning to prep for the course he teaches this fall. He is hoping the baby will come soon so that he won't have to miss too much school, especially the class he teaches. He is very excited for the baby to come and any time I have surges he always hopes that its real labor and watches the clock very closely just in case. He can't wait to see what our son will look like and be able to hold and play with him. He has been great at going to appointments, taking care of me, and being very involved with everything. I'm so grateful for him :) Also we recently found out he got a scholarship for this coming semester!!! Woop woop!! :)

Are you having any contractions or signs of labor?
I have been having surges more often and a few have been a bit more intense but they haven't been consistent at all. I could have them every 10 minutes for an hour but then they stop. Today I've had them maybe every 30 minutes to an hour. I've only had a couple that made me say "ow". I have also had some period-like cramping. I haven't noticed any other signs of labor except maybe a little nausea.

How are you sleeping? (usually paired with the lovely statement of "You better sleep now while you can!")
It could be better. I wake up every 2-3 hours to painfully change positions and sometimes go to the bathroom. So I am definitely getting prepared for waking up often with the baby. As for that statement I usually get, I wish I could sleep better now! Haha at least after the baby comes, when I do sleep it'll be a lot more comfortably :)

Hopefully this will be good update for you guys! Keep us in your prayers as baby boy gets closer to his arrival! :)

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