Sunday, September 16, 2018

August Update

Now that September is half over, I thought it was about time for me to do a quick update on our August haha
Adam and Ashley: nothing too new with us just getting more used to having to deal with two kids and less sleep haha. Adam has been quite busy at work to meet deadlines for the coming semester as well as BYU-Idaho’s big transition to a new Learning Management System. He has definitely gained a stronger appreciation for student employees as both of his left for summer break. As for me, I’ve mostly been trying to survive without too much TV for Eli (not always successful with that xP)
Eli: turned 3 this month!! Adam took the day off so we could do some fun things. We went to the zoo which Eli LOVED and we decided to get a membership so we can go more often. That evening we had a little party with some family and friends. Eli loves running around with his friends. As he requested, I made red monster truck cupcakes which he still mentions from time to time. I can’t believe how big he is! This month he’s been super excited to learn his letters! He can sing the song and identify most capital letters on sight. He can be a little scamp most of the time but he’s cute too :)
Wesley: turned two months old mid-month. At the very beginning of the month, he got his tongue and lip tie clipped so that was not fun. He had quite a rough time of it but I think it’s helped a little. I’m a little worried that it reattached a little but he still seems to be getting better at catching my fast flow. He is a happy smiley baby especially when he has people paying attention to him haha. His head control is getting less wobbly and he weighed in at 12.5 pounds at his two month appointment!

My Postpartum With Wesley

Now that it’s three months since I had Wesley, I should finally get around to writing about my postpartum recovery which I was meaning to do!
In the hospital: After giving birth, I was so relieved but also my muscles were super sore. Luckily I had the after baby high for a bit but when that wore off, my body ached. My sweet nurse offered to draw me a bath to help relax the soreness and oh my gosh that was the BEST IDEA EVER! I felt so much better afterwards. One thing about doing it unmedicated was that my recovery was so much easier! I could walk around easily and no spinal headache like I had with Eli. We were even thinking about leaving the hospital earlier than the usual 48 hours but I’m glad we didn’t. It gave Wesley a little bit more time to adjust and I got some more breastfeeding support. So we stayed Saturday night and Sunday night. Monday morning, I woke up to my milk having come in very strongly. With a nipple shield and a hand pump, we were able to at least relieve me a bit. I did have some trouble with anxiety on Saturday and I think that was a bit exacerbated by my milk coming in.
At home: The first week was quite hellish. I have figured out that my body does NOT react well to the abrupt change in hormones after having a baby. I did not know what to expect when I had Eli so I crashed and burned because of it. Luckily, this time I just slipped and fell a bit. I struggled with anxiety and I could almost feel the hormones in my body causing it. It led to me struggling to sleep even when circumstances allowed me to. This also made my anxiety get worse. I went to my OB office and they gave me some medicine to help cope which it did but only after a few days. The anxiety peaked Thursday night when I was up all night long having panic attack after panic attack. It was like my body was on overload and would not calm down. This led to depression starting to creep in along with bad thoughts which scared me but because of Eli, I wasn’t taken off guard. When morning came, we decided to take me to the ER so that I could reset. I talked with a counselor and they gave me some stronger medicine there that would help me sleep right away. I was able to sleep for 6 hours straight while my angel mom, husband, and aunt helped take care of the boys. This reset plus the other medicine starting to work helped me feel better. Also the hormones leveling out probably made the biggest difference. 
Overall, this time was a ton better than with Eli. I was able to catch things earlier, had extra help with Adam off work and my mom staying with us, and I was able to have a better perspective on things. With Eli, it surprised and scared me to feel so out of control which made the depression worse. Plus I didn’t have as much help and Adam wasn’t prepared for it. This time around, I knew that my body was going through major changes so I didn’t expect to feel like myself. Mostly I just needed to find a way to calm my body down so it didn’t react as if the house was on fire. I only needed to take something to help me sleep for a few days until things got better. Even though postpartum is difficult no matter what, I think I can safely say I haven’t had postpartum depression this time! I am so glad because it has allowed for me to bond with Wesley better and establish breastfeeding. Hopefully, I will be able to use these tools to have an even better time with any future babies! Even if my body seems to be allergic to postpartum hormones haha