Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Parents came to visit!

Hey everyone!

It's Ashley again. So my parents came to visit this last week :) For my mom, it was her first time coming to Provo and the first time my dad has come since we got married. It was fun having lots of family time and my parents thoroughly enjoyed seeing their grandson again. So here's how the week went:

Tuesday: Parents arrived! Adam and I made chili and afterwards we walked a little downtown and around the Provo Tabernacle (soon-to-be Provo City Center Temple). At this time, we realized that my parents had brought the Washington weather with them and it started pouring rain! We ran the last few blocks and were soaked to the bone. Later on, we went to Steph and Matt's apartment.

Wednesday: We all went to Thanksgiving Point! I hadn't explored much up there so it was fun :) This was also the day that Anders became 11 months old! We had lunch and then went over to the farm that they have up there. It was so fun to see all the animals and made me nostalgic for the Clark County Fair. Anders was in awe of everything and got to pet some animals. Also, the lucky little boy got to ride a pony for the first time! He was laughing lots while doing it. We got to see some really cool peacocks as well. The males were...very excited for spring if you know what I mean ;) I had never seen a peacock with his tail feathers fanned out before so this was cool. One was...lets just say really excited? haha any time a female walked by his whole body shook and made a buzzing noise! The girl didn't look like she cared though haha. Also we got to see the cute little goats! One was a baby pygmy goat and it was very friendly :) It came bounding up to the fence and stuck its mouth through. It licked our fingers and was so cute :) After we finished at the farm, we went to this glass art school/studio. They do blown glass as well as stained glass. We got to watch them blow what was going to be a light fixture and it was so cool! This studio also does stained glass for most of the temples! We got to see some pieces that will go in the Payson Utah and the Boise Idaho temples. They told us that the next project will be the Rome Italy temple :) So cool! Afterwards, I had class and then we all ate at China Garden (best Chinese food in Provo). My parents also gave Anders his birthday gifts (early since they won't be here in June). He LOVED the rocking chair my mom gave him and the fire truck my dad gave.

Thursday: On this day, we started off with breakfast at Magleby's Fresh. Afterwards, we went to campus and looked at some stuff. I showed my parents where I work and the BYU Bookstore which they enjoyed. We also went to the Museum of Art which had some pretty cool things. Later, we all went to Adam's and my Ultimate frisbee game and then out to dinner at Terra Mia. We then hung out at Steph and Matt's to watch Larkrise to Candleford :)

Friday: We went up to Salt Lake City! Adam and I showed them this little British shop that had yummy pastries. Then, it was off to Temple square! We went to a bunch of the sites there such as the visitor's centers, the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, the tabernacle, and the Church History Museum. Then we went to eat at the new City Creek Mall. After that, we went to see my grandma in Sandy (my dad's mother). It was the first time my mom and sister had seen her for a long time and she got to meet Anders. He had so much fun playing on Grandma Tanner's piano and stairway banisters haha. Then that night we had cake and got to watch Anders try to eat it haha. He wasn't sure what to do with the frosting stuck to his hands and so he ate most of it by shoving his face into it :) It was lots of fun.

Saturday: Time for them to go! My parents packed up and left that morning. Adam and I spent the rest of the day recuperating from a very busy week.

That's all folks!
<3 Ashley