Friday, January 4, 2019

December Update

Here is how last month went!

Adam and Ashley: Adam has been feeling better with his clot which has been great. Mostly we have spent the month trying to make a magical Christmas for Eli :)

Eli: Mostly he spent the month working on potty training and getting super excited for Christmas. He has been doing pretty good except for #2. But he has used the potty outside of the home as well which is nice. It is still a work in progress and I still have to rinse out underwear. He is such a creative silly boy and always says the FUNNIEST things. I usually document them on Facebook for others' enjoyment as well as for my future reference. I have loved seeing how his mind works and how he processes information and remembers things. He also loves to make us laugh!
Wesley: is now 6 1/2 months old! He is getting so big and is about 18 pounds. He is super social and is at his happiest when he's surrounded by his family. He is not crawling but he does pretty well rolling over and over to get to places. No teeth yet but lots of drool, fussiness, and biting everything. He has also become a thumb sucker. It is fun to see the differences between him and how Eli was at that age. One of the most noticeable differences is that his hair is a lot darker but recently as its gotten longer, it has started to curl! Its freaking adorable haha.

Christmas: This year was by far the most magical year with kids so far. Eli totally understands Santa and is enraptured by all that is Christmas. So, we tried to do a lot of fun things. We went to the downtown Christmas village lighting. We went caroling with some friends and made lots of yummy treats to hand out. We looked at some amazing lights around town. And of course, talked about Santa a lot haha. In addition to all of this, Adam and I sang in our ward choir for their Christmas program and Adam sang in a little men's ensemble. We went to a few parties as well. The best part of course was seeing Eli's excitement Christmas morning. He was amazed to see that Santa ate the cookies, the reindeer ate the carrots, and that his stocking was all filled. We also began one of Adam's childhood tradition of not writing names on presents. Instead, there are numbers and then we only find out who it is to and from, once we pick them out to open that morning. Eli thoroughly enjoyed that but did not enjoy us going back and forth between present opening and making our traditional Christmas morning quiche. But overall, it was amazing.

Anniversary: We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary on the 29th! My wonderful aunt watched the boys so we could go to lunch, see the new Fantastic Beasts movie, go to the temple to do sealings, and go get treats afterward :)