Friday, March 2, 2018

February Update

So this month has had some definite ups and downs haha.

Adam and Ashley: We spent the first half of the month with all three of us catching yucky colds but the biggest thing that we have been working on this month was...home ownership!!! We are positive that we were pushed by the Spirit to start the process and every step of the way. In January we started seriously thinking and talking about our future plans to buy a house. Adam had the new hobby of checking Zillow to see what was out there. After awhile, we decided to meet with a lender which we did at the beginning of February. At first we went to just see what we needed to do to prepare financially to buy but after our meeting, we found out and felt that now might be the perfect time. Our lease was up at the end of March for our rental house so we decided to look seriously right now but if we couldn't find what we wanted in time, that we'd wait until next year. So we met with a realtor and started looking at houses! We looked at a couple houses before our realtor but then we spent a Saturday looking at a bunch of houses. Upon entering one house, I felt immediately really good about it. Logically it was great but this was some serious spiritual prompting. The more we looked around and saw that it had everything we needed and was a great price, I knew we found our house. The market in Idaho Falls was a bit crazy and so many houses we saw online for a day, would call, and was told they already had 1-2 offers. So we knew if we wanted this, we had to jump fast. Adam and I prayed in the car as we drove to the next house to confirm and by the end we were both nearly in tears. The Spirit was forcing us to jump. So we told our realtor (who had a feeling and called the seller on her way to the next house) and we put in an offer that afternoon. Our amazing negotiator of a realtor got it accepted that weekend for the exact offer we wanted!! So we got our offer accepted and the process started just a week after talking to the lender. It's been crazy ever since! The rest of the month we spent setting up the inspection and signing lots of papers. Now we are only two weeks from closing! We have both been amazed at how everything has fallen into place so perfectly within such a short amount of time. We will have a couple weeks to move in before we have to be out of here plus the price we got on the house will be having us pay less than what we've been paying for rent (taxes, insurance, etc included)! We are so excited to settle in our dream home in March!
20 week ultrasound! Baby is healthy, growing, and kicking up a storm. He especially enjoys kicking my bladder and pressing into my lungs haha.

Eli: has had an interesting month looking at houses, dealing with parents talking about stuff way over his head, and being sick xP. The first half of the month, he had a cold which he gave to the rest of us. Then in the last couple weeks he's had the weirdest stomach bug of life. It literally lasted a week and a half (as opposed to the normal 1-2 days) and only threw up at night. During the day, he was happy as can be and completely normal except some diaper located issues. But every night/morning, we had to clean up vomit and wash his sheets. Luckily after the first couple times, Adam did all he could to be available to clean it up so I wouldn't have to (pregnancy smelling ability was the devil here). After taking him to a doctor last week (and taking some probiotics), he suddenly decided to stop! So it's been a blessed vomit-free week and I think we are out of the woods now! Besides that craziness, Eli has enjoyed being thoroughly spoiled with loads of TV watching (for his tired parents' benefit) which we are now trying to wean him from. His favorite things are all of his trucks which he knows the name of every kind, stacking his blocks, video chatting literally everyone possible, and generally running around like crazy haha. He is constantly surprising us with things he says, knows, and does. He definitely enjoys making us laugh and we love it :)
Eli enjoys taking off his pjs every night and occasionally will try to put them back on. This time he put them on inside out and backwards haha; waiting at the OB with a sucker; CONSTANTLY talking about airplanes; Having fun trying on Mommy's hat haha