Tuesday, July 11, 2017

June Update

Ahh life has been crazy but I've finally got around to a new blog post! There aren't as many personal updates but mostly stuff about what we've done this month. So here is how June went for us :)

Babywearing at Yellowstone
At the Idaho Falls zoo
Adam: is continuing to enjoy his job! Even with all that hard work, he still comes home ready to help out around the house and with Eli. I'm so lucky! He is mostly just redesigning already established courses but he is liking it. He has been able to get to know a few of his coworkers as well. He has been loving the extra free time in the evenings and weekends which have quickly filled up. But he's been able to read for enjoyment which he hasn't done for awhile!
Ashley: I have mostly been attempting to keep up with Eli (hello tantrums!) and keeping busy with all of our various activities. I have been working on getting a local babywearing group established here which has been fun. I've even been able to help a few people in person! I also got a bike which promptly broke after one ride to the park with Eli in our new trailer. We got the new part this week so hopefully we can get it back in working order again!

Post-nap temper tantrum over socks...
Sleeping at cub scout day camp (my new church calling)
Eli: is 22 months and LOVES to talk. And about 1/3 of it is understandable, but mostly the same few words haha. But he is learning more. His new favorite thing is counting which I've been trying to teach him #1-5. He enjoys counting goldfish crackers and his toes by going "1,2,1,2,5!!" or "1,2,5,2,5!!". "5" is always shouted out with glee haha. He also has gained an affinity to tantrums which hasn't been as fun. Full on rolling-on-the-floor-kicking-and-screaming tantrums. So if you have any advice on how help with tantrums for a mostly nonverbal nearly 2 year old, I am all ears. He LOVES to go outside to parks and this month we went to the local zoo here! He loved it and since it's small, it's the perfect size for him. We let him walk around using the leash we have (he's a runner) and he liked feeling independent. Adam is diligently trying to teach him how to say "I love you, mommy" which has also been adorable :)

We also went to Yellowstone (for the first time for me) with Adam's brother and his wife! Eli absolutely adored them and I thoroughly enjoyed all the cool sights! My favorite was West Thumb's paint pots. All the colors of the rainbow! It's amazing what natural processes can create. And Eli kept pointing at all the steaming, bubbling pools and saying "It's hot! It's hot!" over and over again haha. I can't wait to take family and friends that have never been!