Monday, March 7, 2016

February Update

Here is our February!

Adam: has been working hard at school and work. Independent Study decided to throw some extra stuff on him that he needed to complete asap for his master's project, so sadly he had to withdraw from one of his classes. Luckily he already fulfilled the graduation requirement this class would fill but the information would've been useful. But we figured that doing a good job on his project was the most important.

Ashley: is loving taking care of our little man! I have finished dating and labeling my digitized home videos which was a very fun project. I also purchased a woven wrap which I've been playing with a lot. It has been fun to look up tutorials on all the different carries I can do with it and Eli has enjoyed being worn a lot. I've been loving the nice weather so we have been going on lots of walks and trips to the park :)

Eli: is 6 months old!! He had his first cold the latter half of the month which wasn't too fun but with lots of love and care he is getting better. He also started solids which he is unsure about. He's not a big fan of purees but he likes fresh food so we might try baby led weaning. We've also started signing to him! He can't do any yet but we're pretty sure he understands "milk" because he gets really excited and opens his mouth when we do it haha. He can now sit up unassisted! He likes walks, going on the swing, tickles, and whenever Daddy is home :)

Fun events in February!
During Valentine's day weekend, Adam's parents came to visit! It was fun spending time with his family playing games, eating yummy food, and going to the Church History Museum. The main reason they came was so we could all go to the Provo City Center Temple! It was amazingly beautiful and I can't wait to go through it once its dedicated. Although that might be awhile since I'm sure it'll be super busy. We even heard that it was booked for marriages for the next year! Eli enjoyed looking around although he was very sleepy. He fell asleep after we left the Celestial room so I think he just wanted to be awake to see it ;) Also some old friends came to visit and got to meet Eli! Their son Rhett and him are already BFFs and we're already
planning for them to be BYU roommates like their dads :)