Monday, August 7, 2017

July Update

New month, new update!

Adam and Ashley: I decided to combine ours because let's be honest, you really would rather hear about Eli ;) The biggest update we have is that we got a new car!!!! We've been looking for awhile knowing that we needed another one. Eli and I have been going stir crazy stuck at home haha. Adam had the day off on Pioneer Day because of him working for a church school so we decided to look. We happened to find a minivan online the day before that we really liked and was an awesome deal. So we took it for a test drive, prayed about it, and then signed the papers!! We all absolutely love our new (to us) 2015 Dodge Caravan :)

Eli: will be two in a couple weeks! He is getting so smart and maybe a bit too smart haha. He is learning words by the dozen and is getting better at copying what we say. He also figured out how to use door knobs and then figured out how to rip off the door knob covers we have (which were too small anyways but hey they lasted a month or so haha). He has also learned how to take off his pajamas and sometimes his yah that's been fun to wake up to haha. He is getting a little too obsessed with the TV which has been hard to moderate since if we say no, he will attempt to climb up and turn it on himself. His obsessions are cars, trains, fish, and going outside. Seriously, he could talk about them all day haha. He also loves video chatting people especially Grandma and Grandpa (both sets), Lala (my best friend Kayla), and baby (Kayla's little boy). He will often point to my phone and ask for them by name. Such a social boy :)

My sister's wedding!!!
Read about it here!

My Sister's Wedding

Earlier in July, we got to take a trip to Washington!!
We decided to have Adam work a half day so we drove part of the way on Monday the 3rd, stayed overnight in La Grande.
Sleeping at the Fort
We drove the rest of the way on Tuesday the 4th. Eli did "relatively" well with the drive. We were able to get in early enough so that we went to lunch at Burgerville and then we went down to the Fort Vancouver fireworks show which has been something I grew up going to so I was excited to show Adam. Eli took a nap on daddy's back and enjoyed playing with Grandma and Grandpa Tanner. We were a little worried about the fireworks because we had gone to a smaller thing with Adam's family and he didn't like it. But I think that was just because it was too close and too loud. He LOVED the big fireworks show and so did we :)
Then Wednesday, we got to see Jessica go through the temple for the first time! Its always so nice to go back to the Portland temple since that is where we were married and I went through the first time :)
Getting our nails did :D
Thursday, Adam sweetly took care of Eli for the majority of the day so that I could go with my sister, mom, and some of Brad's side of the family to go and get our nails done! They turned out really well and it was nice to pamper Jessica. Then, that evening we had a little bachelorette party at Beaches restaurant and then hanging out at her sister-in-law's parents' house. 

Hanging with Chelsea!
Friday, we had a family party with all of my mom's side to celebrate my grandpa's birthday and we had a little baby shower for my aunt. It was so fun to hang out with everyone and Eli enjoyed playing with his second cousin and his first cousins once removed (when your youngest aunt is only a few years older than your oldest sister, cousin lines get confusing haha).  
Cute ring bearer!
Beautiful day :)
Saturday of course was the big day!! We got to see my sister get married for time and all eternity to an amazing man in the same place that we got married as well as my sister Stephanie <3 I totally cried haha. It was a beautiful day and after pictures we went out to my favorite Thai place. Then that evening, we had the reception at Green Meadows club which was gorgeous! The catered appetizers and the cake were delicious and the decorations were super cute. I didn't get a ton of pictures because most of the time I was video chatting with Stephanie who is in Peru for her husband's internship. I am so grateful for modern technology which allowed her to see all of the big things at the reception like the ring ceremony, first dances, cake cutting, shoe game, speeches, etc. They exited in a decorated golf cart to get to their decorated car that was taking them to their honeymoon!
sleeping at the reception
Gorgeous cake!
Then Sunday, we made the long trek home! During the day while we were there was often spent visiting with old friends of mine and just driving around Vancouver (sometimes just so Eli could get a nap haha). So now all of Adam's siblings and all of mine are married!
Heading off!