Thursday, June 1, 2017

May Update

 Our first month in Idaho!! Besides Adam and I getting a horrible stomach bug early on, the month has been good :)

Adam: started his new job as an Online Curriculum Designer at BYU-Idaho! He is loving it so far :) He has a nice office to himself (that I have yet to decorate haha). He enjoys his coworkers and could see him working in this job for awhile. He loves not being in school as well haha (as do I).

Ashley: I have spent this month mostly getting us settled into our home. We're nearly there but still have some stuff to unpack. All of the main areas are set up so we actually had family over for Memorial Day which was fun :) Recently I also have done a lot of family history which has been really fun! Now we need to find time/babysitters so that we can do all the temple work I've collected. I've also had fun connecting with some old friends who happen to live in the area as well as get together with my family quite a bit. It makes a new place a little less lonely. It is hard not having two cars but we are coping :)

Eli: is 21 months old and definitely getting towards the terrible twos. He is an emotional roller coaster sometimes. One moment he'll be playing quietly by himself, the next he'll be screaming at me to go outside and hitting me, and the next he'll be cute and silly playing with me haha. It can be a bit exhausting. He rode a horse for the first time thanks to a friend of a friend and he's enjoyed interactions with more animals in country life haha. He is learning more words every day and currently his favorite phrase is "thank you" which I don't mind ;) he says it after I give him a snack, change his diaper, and once after I vacuumed haha and that was without prompting! His fine motor skills have developed a lot as he can now do a puzzle super easily (even turning the pieces to fit) and stacking legos into a tall tower. He loves going outside and hates when we come back in. He likes to try to help with household chores like laundry, dishes, sweeping, and putting things away. Even though he can be difficult, it just makes the sweet times sweeter haha.
Cute smiley boy, enjoying his new slide, and being a cute whiner haha