Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Graduation and family visiting

Hi guys!

So I am officially graduated! I finished off well with an A and an A- for my last two classes ending college with a 3.61 :) I officially have a BS in Psychology! The diploma arrived in the mail yesterday so it feels even more officially official.

For graduation, my sister Jessica flew in on 19th and stayed until the 29th! I hadn't seen her since Thanksgiving of 2012 so it had been way too long. She stayed with us and we had SO much fun :) We got to spend Easter with both of my sisters and we spent the day going to as many temples as we could.
We saw six temples that day: Provo, Mt. Timpanogas, Draper, Oquirrh Mountain, Jordan River, and Provo City Center (not pictured)
Oquirrh Mountain temple
Draper temple
Jordan River temple

We went to the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake on that Monday which we all enjoyed :) Then on Tuesday, my parents came to town and on Wednesday, Adam's parents came. We went to a bunch of places while everyone was here including the aquarium, the Natural History Museum up at University of Utah which had a exhibit on the history of chocolate (the exhibit smelt really good haha), and lots of different restaurants!

Thursday was commencement! Adam and I went out early with my dad to take photos around campus in our caps and gowns. We went out at a good time because there weren't really other people taking pictures.

Commencement was cool and we got to see President Uchtdorf pretty close up during the procession going into the Marriot center :) Then afterwards we got Hawaiian ice and went over to our place for spaghetti. Then on Friday, we had convocations. We decided to attend the convocations for my college and Adam would walk with me. This was actually a great idea because we found that the speaker was Adam's mission president, President Bullock!! So when Adam walked across the stage, he got a hug from his mission president which was so cool :) and just like that we were finished! For Adam it was kind of weird because technically he had finished in December but it was still awesome to have this experience together :)

Afterwards, we went to dinner at China Garden which both of our families love. On Sunday, both of our parents went back home to Washington and Colorado. Jessica stayed a couple more days and we got to go a few more places like Temple Square and Bridal Veil falls. We had so much fun having both of our families come and visit. It was kinda crazy but I'm so grateful that they took time out to come to our graduation. It is still surreal that I am done with school and may never go back. I am still hoping to get my master's but its still weird to think that I may never have to go to class again. I think it'll probably hit me more this fall when Adam starts grad school and everyone else will be coming back to BYU for the regular semester and I won't be going.

Oh the crazy changes in life! I am so grateful for my experience at BYU. I feel like a completely different person from when I first came to Utah. I have grown so much intellectually and spiritually. And I met Adam here which was a plus! ;) I am so glad that I pushed myself to come out here and now I am the first one in my immediate family with a bachelor's degree :)

Well that is all for now! Love you all and God bless!

<3 Ashley

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