Sunday, July 8, 2012

Adam's Birthday

Hello everyone!  This year, my birthday happened to fall on Independence Day!  Ashley and I enjoyed the chance to celebrate without going to work.  Earlier in the week, we had been helping our close friends move into a new apartment.  Since they had been unpacking the night before and unable to get everything ready, we had them sleep over at our house.  It was a fun morning hanging out with them.  We decided to go out to a restaurant  where they were offering all you can eat french toast and pancakes.  It was quite delicious and very filling!  Afterwards, my friend and I played a little bit of Axis & Allies. We didn't end up finishing but we had a good time nonetheless.  After hanging out a while, we decided to have our own little barbeque with our friends and we left to get ready.  As we were waiting, my friend and I decided to play a little foosball. (He was kind enough to let me win.)
We had a lot of fun with our barbeque which could be considered a feast with bratwurst, hot dogs (which I did not consume), pasta salad, chips, corn, soda and (later on) cake!  We then started playing a board game while waiting for it to get dark.  We had a bit of fun with the camera as well...

Finally, it got dark enough to head out.   For the first time ever, we went high on the foothills to a spot where we could look out at all the fireworks going up in Utah Valley.  What a sight it was!  The only problem was that none of them seemed really large or booming.  When we decided to head back, we passed by the stadium where they started to set off a few fireworks so we got our big booms and show but we wanted to avoid the traffic so we went back home after a few minutes to have cake.

We ended our evening with a few sparklers, where we got some good pictures.  As soon as we ran out of supplies, we said goodbye to our friends and went to bed.  It was a very fun, if a little low-key day.  I really had a great time though!

Love, Adam
(and Ashley)

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