Tuesday, April 5, 2016

March Update

Our exciting March!

Adam: mostly spent the month preparing for his presentation in Seattle. Between that, work, school, and family time, he stays pretty busy. I feel so blessed that Adam loves to spend time with Eli. Even if sometimes it is to procrastinate homework haha. They have such a great bond and it makes me so happy to see them playing together.

Ashley: My days mostly consist of taking care of Eli, doing daily housework, and working on small projects. My projects this month have consisted of loom knitting a blanket and going through tons of clothes (thank you baby and PPD weight). I try to get out as much as possible if the weather permits. Luckily this month has been gorgeous so there have been lots of walks and play groups at the park with people in our ward.

Eli: is 7 months old! He is so happy and loves to smile at everyone everywhere we go which makes him lots of friends. He is not full on crawling yet but he gets on his hands and knees and rocks a lot and he can slowly scoot and roll himself where he wants to go. We're thinking he might've started teething because he's moved on to the biting everything stage as opposed to sucking everything. He's been drooling like crazy since he was a couple months old so everyone asks if he's teething. No signs of a tooth sprouting yet though. He's a really good sleeper and usually either wakes up once or not at all. He's still not a huge fan of solids but he loves peas haha. He's such a sweet boy and although he is not much of a cuddler unless he's super tired, it's so cute when he runs his fingers through my hair  and touch my face when I feed him. It helps me know that even though I'm not breastfeeding him, we can still bond during feedings. He has also learned how to shake his head no but we're pretty sure he doesn't know what it means at all so it's cute :)

Events this month!

Easter was a bit dampened because Adam was sick so that meant church alone. But I was blessed to give the lesson in Relief Society (a time on Sunday in the LDS church when just women get together). I talked about the atonement and there was a wonderful spirit in the room. I love my calling! Later in the day, we went over to Stephanie's place to have dinner. We had yummy ham, scalloped potatoes, and green bean casserole. For dessert, I made golden oreo truffles in the shape of eggs. It was fun being able to hide Easter eggs for my nephew now that he is old enough to enjoy it :)

We also went to Seattle! See that post here

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