Tuesday, May 3, 2016

April Update

This is how our April went!

Adam: finished the semester!!! Even with getting sick right before/during finals week and having a fever of 102 degrees, he managed to pull out a good finish. He ended with an A and an A- (and a W for the class he withdrew from awhile back). He is very excited to finally have more time to work on his Master's project and just his jobs. He will be working full-time during the summer for BYU Online and he is going to be teaching Digital Humanities 215 again in the fall! After going further in his program (especially taking a class on assessments), he is looking forward to applying his newfound knowledge to this class. He is also looking forward to the spring Ultimate season and has joined every intramural team our ward is participating in.

Ashley: I have been kept busy this month planning our two trips, recovering from the trips, taking care of things when Adam was sick, and being sick myself. All of these things made this month fly by and its hard to believe its already May! One of the biggest goals I have right now is getting healthier and losing weight. I didn't gain too much weight from being pregnant with Eli but dealing with postpartum depression did add some pounds. Also one of the medications I was taking made me hungry ALL the time which didn't help anything. So I'm tapering down that med, trying to exercise more, and eat a bit healthier. I feel like I'm surrounded by people telling me how the only way to lose weight and get healthy is [insert expensive weight loss program]. Being poor college students, I'm going to stick with good old basic exercise and eating healthier. This is actually fine by me because I wanted to get a routine that would be easy for me to maintain without requiring me to keep spending money in order to keep the weight off. So we'll see how this works out ;)

Eli: is 8 months old! I feel like this month he has developed in leaps and bounds. One of the biggest changes is he crawls! This means that we've been working on baby proofing which is an ongoing process. Mostly we see that he can now grab at certain things and we have to figure out how to change the access to said thing. There have also been times where it almost sounds like he says mama and dada. I don't know if he fully understands what they mean but he knows we like hearing them haha. He usually says dada when he's happy and mama when he's sad (although it usually sounds like mum mum or mem mem). Its hard not to melt when he crawls onto my lap with a sad face going "mem mem mem". He is also enjoying standing up and can balance pretty well while holding something like the couch or coffee table. He's been working on learning how to pull himself up but he hasn't quite gotten the hang of it. We gave him his first haircut which turned out better than we expected haha. He is loving solids a lot more and will now happily eat peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, and bread. While we were in Texas, he also liked mexican rice haha. He definitely is keeping us on our toes now that he is a lot more mobile but every change is fun to watch :)
Special events this month!
We began the month in Seattle!

We went to Texas! Read about that here!