Wednesday, December 7, 2016

November update

Here is how our November went :)

Adam: He has spent the month working and going to school as well as applying to jobs. We've had no luck so we prayed for guidance of where we should look or what we should do. In this, I kept getting the feeling that we were pushing moving too much and that we needed to stay in Utah a bit longer. The only problem was that Adam's jobs at BYU had already hired new people. So we waited, kept applying to jobs elsewhere, and tried thinking of backup plans. Then last week Adan was talking to the program coordinator for the class he teaches and found out that the person they wanted to hire had to be approved by the First Presidency (all full-time faculty at BYU have to go through this process). However they will not be meeting until January. So they asked him to teach again next semester! And there's a chance BYU online may need his help as well because there are a few other TAs that won't be able to work full hours. So we are staying until April!

Ashley: I'm still at home with Eli and just helping him grow. This month I taught a couple cloth diapering classes for my ward which was fun. It is so much easier than people think and I love sharing that :) My days are usually filled with doing things with Eli and keeping up the house. We like to go for walks, chase each other around the house, and all the babywearing haha. My free time usually consists of reading, watching Netflix, and doing my nails. Life is good :)

Eli: is 15 months old! He has eight teeth now and is a very active, independent little boy. He had his check up with the pediatrician and he is nearly 21 pounds. Still a very skinny boy. He loves running around, giggling, and he recently disovered twirling. Now he knows when we sing ring around the rosie that he spins, but still doesn't understand the falling down part. Instead, he waits for us to push him down which he then laughs really hard. He learned how to tickle people and he is learning to use silverware. Now he prefers to try to feed himself which makes dinner time quite entertaining. He is actually getting more affectionate by cuddling more and sitting on our laps. He is having a bit of a sleep regression which isn't fun but for the most part he sleeps well :) he is getting so big and is definitely more toddler than baby :)
walking around the Provo City Center temple; playing with his little friend Elliot; 15 month check up; amazed by our little Christmas tree :)
We stayed here again and did thanksgiving with my sister. We split up the dishes and gathered at her house. The meal was delicious and even Eli ate a bit of everything! We ended the evening with watching Finding Dory and pie :)
Playing with his cousin Anders while watching the movie :)